Monday, September 30, 2013

6 Sunnah of Drinking Water

dunno, I just love this pict
subhanallah this is EXO sehun!!
Drinking water can be a healthy habit for us all. But, in Islam, do you know some Sunnah of drinking water? If you don't or wanna know more, just read these following sunnah.

Kenapa cuma nabi Muhammad yang ada di kalimat Syahadat?


Kalau berbicara mengenai syahadat, inshaAllah seluruh umat muslim mengetahuinya. Dan setiap hari, setiap waktu kita menunaikan ibadah shalat; baik yang wajib maupun sunah, kita membaca bacaan syahadat. Yaitu, pada bacaan tahiyat.
Namun, pernah ngga sih terfikir, kenapa yang ada di bacaan atau kalimat syahadat itu cuma Nabi Muhammad SAW? Bukannya Nabi dan Rasul itu ada banyak? Bukannya Nabi dan Rasul yang wajib kita hafal dan imani itu ada 25? Let's check it out together!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

About DIY Stuffs.

Lately, I'm interested with "DIY" stuffs. For your information, DIY is D for Do, I for It, and Y for Yourself. It means you make or improve the original thing into unordinary thing, it won't be sold anywhere, because you make it exclusively by and for yourself. In short, you make it yourself.
Umm, next time, if I have longer time and enough mood, I'll make a or some post(s) about DIY stuffs. And I will start with galaxy shoes.
You can also google it, or youtube it perhaps; if you don't want to, just wait for my next post!

Stuffs on my desk

The Winner of Miss World 2013: Megan Young from Philippines

Congratulation beauty Megan Young!
You are now miss world 2013.
Hope your humanity programmes can be useful for all.
Once again, I officially congratulate you:-)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Conversation abstrak ini terjadi beberapa menit sebelum upacara dimulai.

Putri: Bagaaass! Tolong panggilin sarah boleh?
Bagas: SAARAAAHHHHHH!! SARAAAHHH! Eh, sarah yang mana?
Eem: SARAHngeyo!
Putri: ............

*end of story*