Friday, April 06, 2012

Dubbing With 8D SPENSA 2010/2011!

This is the history project for 8th grader students! We were dubbing in 'Harmoni FM' Serang city. And this is so memorable for me. So, let's check out these memorable moment!


Me-Fira-Meiti (no changes)


Yoona's twins._.V

Anggi! Hahahha in my country (Indonesia) we call anggi's style with ALAY style

Same with the above

Same with the above
The time passed by, so did we. No we are in 9th grader. We're going to separate to the senior high school. Haahhh..
Miss you so 8D. Even tough that, 8D isn't always nice with me.... I'm still missing 8D's atmosphere! Ha ha ha.
I just have forgot what I have to say now-_-
Aha! I have just 7 photos. Others? I deleted it._. He he he

Anyways, I gotta sign out. Now it's my brother's turn. Bye~~

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