Monday, December 29, 2014

What-To-Do List During the Holiday!

Assalamu'alaikum, everyone!

Holiday is about a week left but you haven't had any good activities yet? Let's check these tips out!

1. Travelling Around!

This is what everyone's-what've-been-looking-for, isn't it? Yes, travelling! Who doesn't love travelling? We can visit some places that we've not been there before, or just visit some places that we've been there, but it really makes us want to visit it again and again!

It can be a domestic travel or you can travel the world. Wow. Seems soooooooo fantastic!
You can bring your family along or even your friends! Travelling with friends has a huge differences with travelling with family. But, I think,  travelling with your family is a better one for your choice. Why? Because when you were on school you couldn't spend longer time with 'em and I think, holiday is a good time to have quality time with em! You can share your story, or sharing story each other, it seems sooooo lovely!

But, you may travel with your friends, too. Don't forget to get your parent's permission before you're out with 'em!
And, don't forget to take some pictures!^^

2. Helping Mum at Home!

This is another way out to do during your holiday, at home. We can help our mom to cook some cakes, or even try out some new recipes! Lately, I've been doing this at home with mum and it feels sooo funny! We look for the new recipes by watching youtube, or on social media lyk facebook. After finding the one, we try to make it, and alhamdulillah, we made it!! 
Also, you can help mum wash the clothes, sweep the floor, or even just clean up your home. It is another way to go in for sport at home. Because you move your body, here, and there! Yeay!

3. Redecorate Our Room

Need another way to spend the holiday at home? Well, you've got the answer!:-)
Yes, redecorating your room is a great idea to do during your holiday. When you were on school days, you couldn't even clean it up, or just to make the bed! You woke up late in the morning and just rushed into the bathroom.................. *beep!*
So, this is the right time to fix your room's view!
First of all, list some themes, or just some stuffs in your room that you want to redecorate. After that, list all the tools and the materials needed. Third, count the amount of money that you have to spend to buy all the needs. GO SHOPPING YOUR NEEDS! Now, you can start redecorating your room!
Got some difficulties to find out the ideas? You can browse it on youtube by "how to redecorate room" "diy room stuff" or something else.

4. Read Some New Books

You can read the fiction or the non-fiction one. But I think novel, is the best one. I can (or you can) spend hours to read it and just stop for Shalat or go to the bathroom. It wastes the time, very best. We can read it until our eyes got red or very tired. Haha.
Also, it can bring us to another dimension or place. Even, we can also like watching a movie! Our own movie with our favourite characters!
Umm...having a national exam soon? You can start re-reading your old book. Like the first/second grade of high school. just want to remind you about its lessons. Because, I think this is the best time for you to start over the lesson, to re-learn what you have forgotten about. Since you don't have any activities to do, you can try this tips! It can ease you, for sure. Because when school is on again, you'll be back to your tight schedule.

5. Increase your Shalat quality

Day by day, we've been passed. Those busiest days, we've been passed. It's time to fix our relationship towards our Almighty, Allah SWT.
This is a best way to refresh your mind from bad minds, a best way to improve our attitude, an Islamic way to do meditation, a best way to pray, pray and pray for the best.
We can take out our stress, and find ways to solve it by praying.
Also, Shalat Dhuha has many virtues for our body and soul. And I've got some of 'em here. But hehe I got it in Bahasa^^ for those who don't understand Bahasa, you can copy and paste it to google translate^^

6 Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha

Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha – Shalat duha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya:

1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia

Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda:

“Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala” (HR Muslim).

2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar

Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata:

Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang.
Nabi saw berkata: “Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!”.

Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya).

Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; “Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?”

Mereka menjawab; “Ya!

Rasul saw berkata lagi:
“Barangsiapa yang berwudhu’, kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya.” (Shahih al-Targhib: 666)

3. Sebuah rumah di surga

Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw:

“Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga.” (Shahih al-Jami`: 634)

4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari

Dari Abu Darda’ ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata:

Allah ta`ala berkata: “Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya” (Shahih al-Jami: 4339).

Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: “Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi’arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika”

(Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: “Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu”).

5. Pahala Umrah

Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda:

“Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…” (Shahih al-Targhib: 673).

Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda:

“Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna..” (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346).

6. Ampunan Dosa

“Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan.” (HR Tirmidzi).

6. Do Some Skincare

I love doing this during my holiday!! I made some diy face masks, fresh mist, and many more!
Those are very easy to make at home. The needed things are really easy to find in the nearby shops or mini-markets. And the most important thing is, all of these skincare are from nature! We use honey, apple, green tea, even baking soda.

You can also do the exact thing as mine by watching some tutorials on youtube or just see these amazing following tips!

I think that's all that I can recommend you to do during your holiday. I hope it will be very helpful for you and all people around you^^
May Allah always bless us aamiin


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