Monday, January 16, 2012

The Last Utterances for My 1st Anniversary\m/

Have you read this or this?

Thank you if you've read it.. Hehehe
And I got some utterances from my friends again!!
Here they are~

My Sunny{}

My Beloved twin{}



Besides of those screen shots, Rayhan sent me a utterances too via Ekey's handphone. Hahaha
Get well soon, Ray o:)

Hhmm? The utterance from Enju? Hahaha
I won't upload it._. Let me, Enju and ALLAH who know it..

Okay, I'll share one of many wishes that Enju gave to me/us. Ekekekk
"Hope tomorrow is Monday"
Yeaah.. And it works. Today was Monday and yesterday was Sunday.. 
Already satisfied? Great.

Besides via text message, I got another utterances from twitter! (I knew it from Enju's handphone yesterday)
And I'd like to share them to you:D

Thousands thanks for you, all.. Hahaha:D

January 15th was really really be my day!! And also be my blogger's day. Why did I say that? It cause...
When it was January 15th 106 visitors visited my blog! Hey, I've tried to upload the screen shot here but it didn't work-____-
And I am not lying to you. All you do is you have to believe me. Hehehe

Thanks for your utterances and wishes to us^^
Thanks for reading :-)


Yoona's twin.

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